Specific Trumps General

Non-compete Agreement Revisited

So, a while ago I wrote a post about career opportunities. Okay, I know that it’s been a while since I wrote about anything. But, I did write about those career options a while ago. In that listing of potential jobs, I had a lot of general ideas: get another degree, get a job at [fill-in-the-blank] store, be a corporate trainer. I also included two very specific ideas for a new career: starting Black Ops Consulting and becoming a business coach with EMyth.

So, why bring up the subtle nuances of this list? Why not? Because it’s my blog and I can? No, neither of those. It is this: I got the specifics. It’s that simple. The two ideas that I had specifically named the opportunity and the company came to me. The rest foundered.

EMyth Business Coach

Have I really not shared anything about my coach training? I’ll claim that I’ve been very busy for the past month. About one month ago I took my family to Portland, Oregon. While there we spent a weekend on the coast with Nicole’s sister, Elise. Then I spent four days in intensive training while my family enjoyed the city. Following that, I’ve just completed the first two weeks of a 20 week training course, that seems about as intensive as any college class that I’ve ever taken. Including my Marketing Management case studies course. (If you lived it, you know.)

So, I am not clearly on the path to become an EMyth business coach. That first specific idea is coming to fruition. I am buried up to my eyeballs in training, but it is for a great purpose and I am completely excited by the prospect. I AM GOING TO BE AN EMYTH BUSINESS COACH! Yep, it sounds right even when I yell it. However, that cam with a small twist. EMyth is no longer hiring employees to do their business coaching. They are contracting with independent business owners to provide coaching on their platform. That leads us to the next specific opportunity that I identified…

Black Ops Consulting

I am, indeed, starting up my own business coaching company. Black Ops Consulting is not going to hang on my doorway, however. I changed the name, but it is based on the specific idea that I had.

Beyond Imagination Business Coaching

Right here, you are reading first that I am the proud owner of Beyond Imagination Business Coaching, LLC. The name is registered, and I’m enrolled with the IRS and everything.  Because of the change in EMyth’s policy on coaching, I got the opportunity – quite unexpectedly – to pursue two of the most specific dreams on my new career list. I am nearly ready to hang out my shingle and look for clients, as soon as I have clearance from EMyth to start coaching their process. I’m sure that you’ll see even more about this new company if I have a minute anywhere to update what I’m doing professionally.

Beyond Imagination Business Coaching-06-01

Beyond Imagination Business Coaching logo

Specifics Happen

So, why is it that the specifics came about while the generalities all sat unrealized? Choose your philosophy or religion and there is an explanation. Whether it involves putting something out into the universe and it coming back; or the power of positive thinking bringing it about; or even just sheer, dumb luck. I didn’t think that I was going to get religious here, but it seems that is the logical conclusion for this post. My belief is that I was inspired to name two very specific career paths among many, as those were the paths that I was meant to pursue. Their existence in my reality is both a predictor and confirmation of that path. I think that a lot of “coincidental” specifics are brought into our lives in this way, and that we are often guided by a divine hand toward an outcome that is best for us. At least I feel that happens in my life.

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2 thoughts on “Specific Trumps General

  1. Kevin, congratulations on your new career path and moments of clarity! I thoroughly enjoy consulting/advising and I’m sure you’ll be great as well.

  2. Dixie Taylor on said:

    I love reading that you have identified what it is you love and want to be involved in. Remember that if you love what you do, it is not a job as “job” is usually defined.

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